by Kevin G | Dec 8, 2023 | Benefits, News
Stretch ceilings have been widely used in Europe for some time. Here in the UK, their use is escalating too. More and more designers and architects in the UK are recommending a stretch ceiling to clients refurbishing their homes or business spaces. Why? Because a... by N Vowles | Nov 13, 2023 | Benefits, News
Possibly we are a little early in mentioning the C word this year but in our defence we wanted to give you plenty of time to make a decision on our special 2023 Christmas offer for stretch ceiling customers. For any new stretch ceiling orders placed between 15th... by N Vowles | Sep 29, 2023 | Benefits, Designs, Events, News
Easy Ceiling is proud to be the only stretch ceiling company who is a member of SPATA, the Swimming Pool and Allied Trades Association. SPATA recently invited us to help them conduct a webinar to explain what stretch ceilings are to their members. You can watch the... by N Vowles | Jun 26, 2023 | Benefits, Designs
Stretch ceilings are highly versatile suspended PVC ceilings that are becoming increasingly popular in the UK. As stretch ceiling evangelists, we would argue that they can be used in any residential or commercial setting, but for certain businesses, they are an... by N Vowles | Oct 18, 2022 | Benefits, Maintenance
Most stretch ceilings come with a 10 year guarantee, well at least Easy Ceiling’s do, but they often last much longer. Read this blog to find out why. How long can they last then? Stretch ceilings have been around for a long time. Since Ancient Egyptian times... by N Vowles | Jul 28, 2022 | Benefits
Given the name, stretch ceiling, you can probably make an educated guess on what a stretch ceiling is made of. You are probably thinking rubber or elastic aren’t you? Well you are right, stretch ceilings are canvases made of PVC elastic. What is PVC elastic? PVC...