What Material is Used for a Stretch Ceiling?

Jul 28, 2022 | Benefits

Given the name, stretch ceiling, you can probably make an educated guess on what a stretch ceiling is made of. You are probably thinking rubber or elastic aren’t you? Well you are right, stretch ceilings are canvases made of PVC elastic. 

What Material is Used for a Stretch Ceiling?

What is PVC elastic?

PVC stands for Polyvinyl chloride, a polymer of vinyl chloride. It is the world’s third-most widely produced synthetic polymer of plastic. It comes in two basic forms, rigid (used in making plastic bottles for example) and flexible (used for electrical cables, inflatable products and, of course, stretch ceiling canvases. 

What is the difference between plastic and elastic?

Simply put, elastic deformation is reversible whereas plastic deformation is irreversible. You may see stretch ceilings referred to as plastic but they are actually elastic as key to the process of installing a stretch ceiling is stretching it with hot air to fit it in place and then when it cools it reverses back to its original elasticity and becomes incredibly tight and strong. 

Have stretch ceilings always been elastic?

You might think that stretch ceilings are relatively new to the construction industry but the concept of stretch ceilings dates back to ancient Egyptian times, where damp cloth was stretched between walls to get an even surface. Over time the use of cloth has evolved to include linen and silk and most recently PVC elastic.  

Isn’t PVC elastic bad for the environment?

No. Unlike other ceiling materials PVC elastic is 100% recyclable. Stretch ceilings made with PVC elastic are also incredibly strong and durable. Coming with a 10 year guarantee they can actually last for up to 30 years so you will not need to recycle them that often! Furthermore, all Easy Ceiling’s stretch ceilings are 100% recyclable, fire retardant (B-S1-D0, B-S2-D0), low emission (Class A) and have low water vapour permeability.

Hopefully this article answers all the questions you might have about the material used for stretch ceilings. But if you would like to know more or would like a free quote, please get in touch

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